Quantitative Pharmacology Advantages


The Quantitative Pharmacology team at GoBroad Clinical Research Center is led by renowned experts in clinical pharmacology, quantitative pharmacology, and statistics, both domestically and internationally. All team members hold master degrees or above, and the core members hold doctoral degrees. They bring rich experience in clinical pharmacology and quantitative pharmacology from regulatory agencies, research institutions, and pharmaceutical companies.

Our team is committed to providing high-quality services in clinical pharmacology and quantitative pharmacology for clients. Our expertise spans the entire process of innovative drug development, including but not limited to extrapolation of drug species, estimation of human doses and PK/PD predictions, design of First-in-Human (FIH) trial protocols, population PK/PD analysis, physiologically-based pharmacokinetic studies (PBPK), and dose-exposure-response relationship analysis. Our goal is to assist clients in optimizing clinical trial designs, reducing clinical trial risks, enhancing efficiency in new drug development, lowering development costs, and accelerating the time to market for new drugs.